- The Mission Hospital,Immon Kalyan Sarani, Sector IIC, Bidhannagar, Durgapur, West Bengal 713212
Home | Interventions in chd
Interventions in chd
- This defect is the next common heart defect, which is an abnormal communication between the upper two chambers of the heart. Small defects may close on its own by 2 - 4 years of age. Hence ideally they should be closed after 2 years of age or earlier if there are symptoms of heart failure.
Ostium Secundum ASD is the most common type of ASD, most of these cases can be closed by device closures.
Family History: A family history of CHD can increase the likelihood of developing the condition.
Other types of ASDs like OP ASDs, SV ASDs, Coronary sinus ASDs are usually closed by surgical repair, however device closure can be done in selected cases
Spontaneous closure occurs in 99% if the size is <3mm, in 80% if the size is between 3mm - 8mm, rarely closes if it is >8mm.
VSD device closure
- This the commonest acyanotic heart defect usually detected during the first vaccination check-up. It is an abnormal connection between the lower two chambers of the heart. Approximately 30%-40% of small to moderate sized perimembranous and muscular VSDs undergo spontaneous closure by 6 months of age.
Larger defects need to be treated with anti-failure medications by a pediatric cardiologist and subsequently undergo surgical/device closure.
Kids having moderate sized VSDs along with poor weight gain , recurrent respiratory tract infections can undergo device closure after assessment by a pediatric cardiologist.
Larger VSDs and PDAs if left untreated can become Eisenmenger’s syndrome after 2 years of age.
PDA device closure
- PDA is an abnormal connection between the two great arteries i.e.- aorta and pulmonary artery. This is normally present in mother’s womb, but closes after birth. But in some cases it takes up to 3 months for complete closure.
- If your child is not gaining weight or having recurrent respiratory infections, it’s advisable to close the PDA by device closure
Most of the preterm PDAs usually close on it’s own, few of them stuck in the NICU need PDA device closure.
Weight of the patient is no bar for PDA device closure, even less than 1 kg babies can undergo this procedure safely.
- PS can be 4 types:
- Valvular PS(most common)
Supravalvular PS
Infundibular PS
Peripheral PS
Balloon valvuloplasty (BPV) is the procedure of choice for Valvular PS
Newborn with critical PS and cyanosis needs urgent intervention.
Success rate 90%, chances of re-operation-10%
- 3 types:
- Valvular AS (most common)
Sub-valvar AS
Supra-valvar AS
Critical valvular AS need urgent balloon aortic valvuloplasty(BAV)
The valve is usually bicuspid, hence recurrence rate is 90%
Later on these patients will require either surgical Ross procedure or prosthetic valve replacement.
- They are usually well baby after delivery, but develop poor feeding, decreased urination, breathlessness, sometimes cardiogenic shock in 6 days to 6 weeks time.
- They need urgent stabilisation in NICU
Balloon coarctoplasty should be done in an urgent basis if there is associated left ventricular dysfunction
Chance of re-intervention is 50%
- BAS is a life saving procedure in case of a complex CHD like d-TGA
- It improves mixing of blood, thus relieves hypoxia, acidosis, heart failure and death in a sick kid
Patient should be put on prostaglandin infusion as early as possible
Arterial switch operation is advisable in all such cases within 1 month of age.
- PDA stenting is usually done within 2 months of age for complex cyanotic heart diseases like pulmonary atresia intact ventricular septum or any single ventricle physiology with pulmonary atresia.
- This is a life saving procedure, which later on will require surgical intervention
- This is a palliative procedure to buy some time for definitive surgery in a later date.
- Usually done before 3 months of age for TOF and TOF like patients.
Relatively less risky procedure than surgical procedure
- Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm (SVA) is a rare cardiac anomaly which has potential for spontaneous rupture into other cardiac chambers or the pericardial space
- It can either be repaired surgically or by device closure
Now-a-days many cases are amenable for transcatheter device closure
- This is a rare cyanotic congenital or acquired heart disease, where the desaturated right arterial blood bypasses the lung bed and the deoxygenated blood goes to systemic circulation directly
- It is diagnosed by contrast echocardiography
Gold standard for diagnosis is CT pulmonary angiogram
These are usually closed by transcatheter coil closure or device cosure
- Babies with an aortopulmonary window have a hole in between the aorta and pulmonary artery.
- Now-a-days AP windows can be closed by transcatheter method in selected patients
Neonates with large AP window will require surgical closure
- MAPCA- Major Aorto-Pulmonary Collaterals.
- Most commonly closed in complex cyanotic congenital heart diseases before heart surgeries.
Sometimes to treat and prevent haemoptysis, these collaterals are being closed.