Present workplace: The Mission Hospital, Durgapur.
Designation: Head of the Department - Paediatric Cardiology.
Expertise and Interest: Interventional Paediatric Cardiology, Fetal Echocardiography
Work Profile Dr. Hemant Kumar Nayak is currently heading one of the busiest Pediatric cardiology centres in the country. He has performed more than 7500 congenital cardiac interventions and diagnostic cardiac catheterizations. He does a huge number of cardiac interventions and they include some of the most complex interventions in his field: He has successfully performed Balloon coarctoplasty in a baby as low as 1 kg, PDA stenting in a baby weighing 1.8 kg, PDA device closure with the newer Amplatzer Piccolo device in a preterm baby weighing 1kg, foreign body (fractured PICC line) removal from a 1.4 kg preterm baby and first time in India he has introduced Echo guided PDA device closure and successfully performed more than 300 cases. The average daily footfall in the OPD and Echo room is around 50 odd patients. The average congenital heart surgeries done every month at The Mission Hospital are around 100. His echocardiographic accuracy in diagnosing the complex congenital cardiac lesions like dextrocardia, heterotaxy syndromes, AVSD, TGA, TAPVC, Truncus, LV aneurysm, RA aneurysm etc. helps the surgeon for proper planning of surgical procedures. He has performed more than 1500 foetal echoes till now. He is a renowned national and international faculty in various conferences and is routinely called upon to deliberate on his experience in these academic sessions.
Past Associations: Before joining The Mission Hospital, he was working as a consultant Interventional Paediatric Cardiologist at Narayana Health β RTIICS, Kolkata from 2011-2014. During his tenure at RTIICs he was very much appreciated by his colleagues, fellows and management due to his competency, commitment, sincerity and cordial behaviour for all. He was actively involved in the academics for the fellow students as well as the faculties by conducting clinical cases and seminars. Dr. Hemant Kumar Nayak has done his MBBS from SCB medical college, Cuttack, Odisha and completed his MD Paediatrics from MKCG medical college, Brahmapur, Odisha. After completing his MD, he had an exposure in the field of Paediatric Cardiac Critical Care in the worldβs largest ITU at Narayana Health, Bangalore for a brief period and subsequently finished his Fellowship in Paediatric Cardiology in 2011 from Narayana Health, Bangalore, under Rajiv Gandhi Health University, Karnataka. He is a life member of Paediatric Cardiac Society of India (PCSI).
Qualifications: MBBS, MD (Paediatrics), FPC (Fellowship in Paediatric Cardiology).
Area of interest: Interventional Paediatric Cardiology along with Foetal Echocardiography.
Languages spoken: Oriya, Bengali, Hindi and English.